RSS Feed
- The elefant in the room – let’s go back to short more frequent episodes
- There has been alot going on the last few months
- Automations for handwritten notes
- New Mac Studio is ordered
- Firewall and VPN project
- Privacy – chaning email provider
- And tons of other things
- Hugo – a static site generator
- Static vs Dynamic
- Pro: Speed – faster since no computation, just serving
- Pro: Simplicity – server setup and components – focus on content, security
- Con: Dynamic functionallity – contact form, comments etc
- Con: Harder to start
- Want to learn more – I’m currently prepareing an online course
- April 14th 7pm GMT+1 – English, no pre-registration needed – but get in touch to get the link.
- Why: Love Hugo, Trying out some concepts related to course creation and setup
Hi Martin,
I just listened to your episode from April 6 comparing static and dynamic sites. I’m disappointed that I didn’t come across the episode earlier! I wanted to see if you might have the April 17th course recorded and available to watch? I have some beginner skill writing html and CSS and I’m interested in creating a static site with Hugo. I am shocked a little information is available and have been hunting for a good tutorial.
Thanks again for the espisode!