Ep 72 – April 15 – Current Projects

Martin Uncut Podcast
Martin Uncut
Ep 72 – April 15 – Current Projects

Allways projects going on…

  • good for learning
  • good for creativity
  • good fun

Currently I have a few projects going on:

The clock that grew. A silent studio clock.

  • Quite expensive – 400-600 euros
  • Raspberry PI and LED
  • Raspberry PI and a screen
  • Show the current date and time
  • Show the calendar
  • Switch screens
  • Start & stop when I come in to the office

Podcast about productivity and applications. I don’t want to talk to much about this yet – but there is something going on.

  • 3 people
  • Swedish and Danish et all
  • Productivity, applications and processes
  • Bi-weekly show