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- I hope you all had a great weekend! I for sure had!
- I spent some time during the weekend to fix some reverb issues in a sound file for a podcast. It not easy and the dereverb filter in Audition didn’t do anything to improve the situation. I also downloaded some 3rd party filters but with no particular luck.
- I found that by using the parametrical equalizer I could find, by scrubbing, som frequencies that was disturbing and by filtering these out the sound was improved.
- After that I used an expander, noise gate and finally a touch of amplification and the quality got decent.
- It is not super easy to fix bad audio some times.
- I also edited an episode of “the Podcast” – I did this in Hindenburg Journalist. First time I used that application. I will provide some thoughts about it later this week.
- I found that Blubrry now started to support a few of the tags from the new Podcasting Namespace as defined over at the PodCast Index in the PowerPress plugin for WordPress. I talked about these in Ep 19, 20 and 22.
- Blubrry now supports Lock, Transcript, Funding, Location and Chapter tags.
- All of them are good but I particular like the chapter feature. Hindenburg are also using chapters and could produce some really nice functionality here with a bit of development.
- I will link to the article from Blubrry in the show notes.
- That was all I had for you today. Listen back tomorrow. Then I will do a short episode about how the streaming went this last Friday.
- Have a great day! See you tomorrow! Ciao